10-year funding by @NWO_Science and @MinOCW with partners at @UvA_Amsterdam, @VUamsterdam , @WUR, @UtrechtUni, @niooknaw to harness the power of the #microbiome to protect #plants against stress and make agriculture more sustainable #planthealth Visit https://t.co/VgQjDJATQO https://t.co/N9e0ru42GM
— MiCRop - Microbial Imprinting for Crop Resilience (@MiCRop_research) September 2, 2020
Quite sure I met some future scientists at Open Science Day at @UvA_Science today, when talking about @MiCRop_research and mycorrhiza specifically. Such a fun experience! https://t.co/GRu4sAvQcn
— Malin Klein (@malin_kln) October 7, 2023
Grote belangstelling voor het @MiCRop_research werk aan het microbioom pic.twitter.com/RKsf2c4Lqv
— Harro Bouwmeester (@HarroBouwmeest1) October 7, 2023
@MiCRop_research outreach at Open Science event at @UvA_Science pic.twitter.com/a2yUgEo3XG
— MiCRop - Microbial Imprinting for Crop Resilience (@MiCRop_research) October 7, 2023
A team of researchers, including from MiCRop, have identified an enzyme in rice plants which is likely involved in the production of strigolactones (plant hormones which signal underground fungi for mutual symbiosis). This was published in an article toda
The microbiome was featured as the central theme of an article in Bionieuws Magazine (edition 12, 5 July 2024). The article includes various research outputs from MiCRop, particularly from Roeland Berendsen (The ISME Journal, 2018) and Lemeng Dong, who we
Professor Toby Kiers was invited to join Koning Willem-Alexander en Koningin Máxima for the June 2024 Uitblinkerlunch. Professor Kiers was able to discuss the role of fungi in sustainable agriculture and climate.
Over 230 researchers from all over the world gathered last week at the Royal Tropical Institure (KIT) in Amsterdam to attend the 5th Plant Microbiome Symposium, organised by MiCRop. The symposium provided excellent opportunities to share knowledge through
The Dutch Ministry of Education, Culture, and Science (ECS) in The Hague has approved the continuation of a second term for MiCRop, and with that, the continued financing of our project for the coming five years. This was stated in an official letter from
The Virtual Reality-application of MiCRop was exhibited today at the Expeditie NEXT Science Fair in Zutphen to resounding success! While the VR-game is still in development by MiCRop and the visualisation lab, it was still considered extremely popular amo
"Farmers of the future will work together with their fungi", such is the title of an interview with Toby Kiers published by We Are the ReGeneration last month. In her interview, Toby delves into the rising scientific interest in fungi, the changing public
Dr. Hilde Herrema will be giving a talk about the Holomicrobiome at the NCOH Annual Meeting on Thursday 30th of May at Amsterdam UMC, location AMC. The full title of her talk will be "The Holomicrobiome Initiative; tapping into the potential of the microb
Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) poses a significant global health threat, leading to increased morbidity, mortality, and healthcare costs. Addressing AMR requires a multifaceted approach that considers human, animal, and environmental health – known as the
A study published in Nature last month described how researchers used machine learning to predict the "lifestyle" of certain microorganisms (meaning whether they are beneficial or harmful to their host plants). For this, the researchers created an algorit
Students that attended the Bètapartners Conference at the Bertrand Russell College in Krommenie were the first today to try out a beta-version of the VR application developed by MiCRop. The VR application is a game which aims to introduce the young player
The Dutch cabinet has allocated €200 million from the National Growth Fund to the Holomicrobiome initiative. This was announced today on the website of Holomicrobiome. The funds will serve to stimulate research into the microbiome and the economically int
The Hugo de Vries Prize 2022 was awarded to Eline Ampt for her outstanding thesis on the relationship between biodiversity and plant diseases in natural ecosystems
New publication on genetic factors involved in rice-microbe interaction and their relevance in drought tolerance
Toby Kiers and three other researchers have been awarded with the highest awards in Dutch scientific community
Expedition to the Galápagos Islands to uncover invisible life and its relationship with the local flora
MiCRop researchers Harro Bouwmeester, Lemeng Dong, Chengsheng Li, Marnix Medema and a team of international collaborators have identifed a maize line that is resistant to Striga
Giannis starts his new position at the Agricultural University of Athens
He now holds a personal chair in Bioinformatics at Wageningen University
Sanne will strengthen the team with her communications and marketing experience
Perspectives article in Science by Jos Raaijmakers & Toby Kiers
Webinar on NanoSIMS in Life and Medical Sciences on 14 November
Anniversary lecture at Spui25 in Amsterdam on 14 November
The joint initiative of Wageningen University & Research and Utrecht University has officially opened
Saturday, 1 October 2022, it's Open Day at many places in the Netherlands: Come meet MiCRop at Science Park 904 in Amsterdam!
We are happy to welcome Jié Hu and Rahul Jain!
Fantastic article about the importance of fungal networks in the New York Times
Article in Trouw about sampling fungal networks on bus stops in Utrecht
A team of MiCRop researchers at the international miCROPe conference
The Society for the Protection of Underground Networks (SPUN), a new fungus-focused non-profit with its ambitious effort to map the global distribution of mycorrhizal fungi
A new publication in Nature Communications, partly funded by MiCRop, by the groups of Jos Raaijmakers and Marnix Medema.
Marnix Medema awarded Vidi grant for his work to develop integrative-omics-based methods to computationally identify plant biosynthetic pathways and link them to their metabolic products, to provide new insights into pathway evolution.
Conference on plant-microbe interactions on 13-17 November 2022 in Copenhagen. Call for abstracts is open!
Two days of exciting science, inspiring talks and lots of discussions in Amsterdam
Corné Pieterse has been awarded with the highest prize in Dutch academia
Workshop bringing together computational, cell, and evolutionary biologists
We are happy to announce our first live MiCRop Annual Meeting
Gordon Research Conference: Interfaces with Soil and Microbes
SPUN is a non-profit, science-based initiative founded to map fungal networks and advocate for their protection.
The FFU Conversation Series are short lectures where guest lecturers or researchers can present their ideas about a topical food issue or present their recent research to the FFU community.
Review on multi-omics data integration methods to unravel signalling relationships.
Review on metabolic interactions and beneficial microbe recruitment, published in Current Opinion in Biotechnology.
More than 70 participants discussed the progress, challenges and possibilities in two online sessions
Review on stress responses in plants, published in Metabolites
The importance of the relationship and trade between plants and fungi
Articles featuring, among others, MiCRop PIs Corné Pieterse and Toby Kiers in Bionieuws
Invitation to submit to Metabolites Special Issue “Integration of Metabolomics with Other Omics Technologies to Investigate Metabolism and Signaling in Plants”
Toby Kiers awarded Vici grant for research on fungal networks
Review article published as result of collaborative effort between MiCRop and colleague researchers from China Agricultural University.
In this series, we interview the researchers that are driving MiCRop. Meet Rumyana Karlova, assistant professor at Wageningen University!
Find and read the latest publications in scientific journals and their abstracts by consortium members.
PhD positions in the field of soil microbial toxicity of pesticides
In this series, we interview the researchers that are driving MiCRop. Meet Giannis Stringlis, postdoctoral researcher Utrecht University!
The internal kick-off meeting took place online on Friday, 20 November 2020.
Tonight is all about plant science on TV: science programme Zembla features among others Harro Bouwmeester representing MiCRop, and in 'Grote Vragen', you can follow Christa Testerink and her research. Watch it live on NPO 2 or afterwards online.
In this series, we interview the researchers that are driving MiCRop. Meet Karen Kloth, postdoc at Wageningen University!
The Amsterdam Microbiome Initiative in the spotlight at BioNieuws. This initiative is looking for the common role(s) of microorganisms in microbial communities, independant of their location.
Three new PhD students and a postdoc started their work at the Wageningen research team
De overheid investeert 40 miljoen euro in twee innovatieve biologische onderzoeksprogramma’s naar wortelmicrobiomen van planten en hersenaandoeningen.
Zes groepen topwetenschappers van verschillende Nederlandse universiteiten krijgen in total 113,8 miljoen euro voor hun onderzoeksprogramma.
Six consortia of top researchers are being awarded a total of 113.8 million euros to conduct groundbreaking scientific research programmes in the coming years, the Dutch Research Council (NWO) has announced.