
Harro Bouwmeester, 2022. Rhizosphere chemical communication of plants. How to signal beneficial organisms but avoid parasites from eavesdropping? Seminar Uppsala University, March 2022.

H.J. Bouwmeester, 2022. The use of metabolomics to unravel chemical communication with other organisms in the rhizosphere of plants. Seminar Metabolomicsday Netherlands Metabolomics Center, Utrecht, May 2022

Sébastien Jaupitre, 2022. Signaling molecules in the root exudates of cucumbers shape the rhizosphere microbiome under herbivory stresses. Poster + flash talk Plant Microbiome Interaction meeting, 23-26 May 2022, Dundee, UK.

Harro Bouwmeester, 2022. Rhizosphere communication by plants drives MiCRopbiome recruitment. Presentation Plant Microbiome Interaction meeting, 23-26 May 2022, Dundee, UK.

Davar Abedini, Harro Bouwmeester, Lemeng Dong, 2022. Nitrogen deficiency results in changes in the microbiome composition and functionality in tomato roots. Poster + flash talk Plant Microbiome Interaction meeting, 23-26 May 2022, Dundee, UK.

Lemeng Dong, 2022. Nitrogen starvation induced metabolic interactions between plants and microbes. Presentation Plant Microbiome Interaction meeting, 23-26 May 2022, Dundee, UK.

Harro Bouwmeester, 2022. The importance of specificity in chemical communication with other organisms in the rhizosphere of plants, October 2022, online seminar Guangdong University, China

Pedro Beschoren da Costa, 2022. Oral presentation at the MICROPE conference 2022, Vienna - “Brassicaceae microbiome response to insect herbivory: summarizing random forest, network analysis, and differential abundance”  

Marcela Aragon Gomez, 2022. Poster presentation at the MICROPE conference 2022, Vienna – “Soil legacy effects of insect herbivory” 

H. Bouwmeester, 2022. Belowground chemical communication of plants with other organisms and MiCRop(s). Online presentation Swiss Microbiome Initiative seminar series.

J.D. Stewart, E.T. Kiers, E.T., J.T. Weedon, 2021. Global Variation in 12 Crop Yields and Evidence for Endemic Pest and Pathogen Escape (Poster). Netherlands Society for Evolutionary Biology.

J.D. Stewart, E.T. Kiers, E.T., J.T. Weedon, 2021. Global Variation in 12 Crop Yields and Evidence for Endemic Pest and Pathogen Escape (Presentation), Netherlands Annual Ecology Meeting, February 2021.

H. Bouwmeester, 2021. MiCRop. Harnessing the second genome of plants. Presentation online workshop Plant microbiome, EPSO.

H. Bouwmeester, 2020. Chemical signalling between plants and other organisms. Presentation University of Amsterdam Research Priority Area Systems Biology, Amsterdam.

H. Bouwmeester, 2020. MiCRop. Harnessing the second genome of plants. Presentation online meeting Agro Expert Raad Flevoland.

H. Bouwmeester, 2020. Belowground communication in plants and Gravitation project MICROP. Presentation online Experimental Plant Sciences (EPS) Theme 3 meeting.

H. Bouwmeester, 2020. MiCRop. Harnessing the second genome of plants. Swammerdam Institute for Life Science Seminar, Amsterdam.


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