Phylogenetic approach of Brassicaceae microbiome recruitment in response to insect stress

Marcela Aragón Gómez


Marcela S. Aragón Gómez, MSc

PhD student at: Wageningen University & Research, Laboratory of Entomology

Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Marcel Dicke and Dr. Karen Kloth (WUR Entomology)

Overall aim: The aim of this project is to elucidate phylogenetic patterns of microbiome recruitment in the Brassicaceae family in response to insect stress.

Key Objectives & Expected Results


  • To identify patterns of microbiome recruitment in the Brassicaceae family in response to insect stress
  • To compare patterns of microbiome recruitment between 5 plant families in response to biotic and abiotic stresses.
  • To characterize plant microbiome recruitment in response to different types of insect herbivory.
  • To validate the beneficial effect of microbiome recruitment on plant resilience to insect herbivory

Expected Results:

  • A comprehensive understanding of the evolution of belowground “cry for help” strategies of the Brassicaceae family in response to insect stress.
  • Identification of stressed-induced core microbiome.